
Population pyramids showing the composition of the study populations in selected years.

These show the number of residents in the study area by age and sex. It is restricted to participating households only but the vast majority of households participate in the studies. The population is defined as the number of people resident in the study area on the 15th June in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015.

Age-specific HIV incidence trends over time.

HIV incidence is estimated using a exponential model with multiple imputation of date of seroconversion. Incidence rates have been estimated for adults aged 15-49 by sex, study and calendar year period. The calendar years are grouped to maximise the data available for cross-study comparisons.

Trends over time in adult mortality rates (15-49 year olds) by HIV status.

Mortality rates are estimated using survival analysis with person-time and deaths categorised by HIV status (HIV status unknown, HIV negative and HIV positive). Adult mortality rates are estimated for men and women over time and by HIV status in each study. For further details on the estimation methods see Slaymaker E, McLean E, Wringe A, et al. The Network for Analysing Longitudinal Population-based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA): Data on mortality, by HIV status and stage on the HIV care continuum, among the general population in seven longitudinal studies between 1989 and 2014. Gates Open Res 2017;1:4-.

Disruption due to COVID-19 pandemic

We compiled data on the Covid-related restrictions to everyday life, drawing on the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford) and logs recorded by each study. We also logged changes to planned data collection activities in each study.

Population pyramids showing the composition of the study populations in selected years

Population pyramids show the number of residents, by age group and sex, in each study in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. Data were not collected at all of these time points in every study.

Time trends in age-specific HIV incidence

Mortality rates by HIV status

Trends over time in adult mortality rates by HIV status.