ALPHA Study Site Leaders

Nairobi: Abdhalah Ziraba is an epidemiologist and a medical doctor based at APHRC in Nairobi.

Kisumu: Daniel Kwaro is based at KEMRI in Kisumu.

Karonga: Mia Crampin is an epidemiologist and public health physician based at MEIRU in Lilongwe.

Ifakara: Eveline Geubbels

Kisesa: Mark Urassa is a demographer based at the National Institute for Medical Research in Mwanza
South Africa

Agincourt: F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé is a Specialist in Public Health and Epidemiology (M.D., PhD), Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand and the Associate Director of the MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transition Research Unit. Gómez-Olivé has managed field research in rural Africa since 1999 and joined ALPHA in 2013. His research interest focuses on the health and wellbeing of adults and older population including HIV, Non-communicable Diseases, Multimorbidity, Sleep Disorders and Migration and Health.

uMkhanyakude: Kobus Herbst is the Faculty Lead for Population Science at AHRI and the Director of the South African Population Research Infrastructure Network.

Rakai: Tom Lutalo

Masaka: Rob Newton

Manicaland: Simon Gregson is a demographer working on the dynamics of spread, impact and control of HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa. His work combines empirical studies including large-scale, longitudinal, population-based and clinical surveys with use of mathematical models. Simon is Director of the Manicaland Centre for Public Health Research in Zimbabwe

Emma Slaymaker is an epidemiologist who has worked with ALPHA since 2005 and leads on HIV incidence and risk factors and improving data harmonisation, documentation and sharing.

Milly Marston is a demographer who has worked with ALPHA since 2005 and leads on fertility and survival post-infection.

Keith Tomlin is is an Assistant Professor in Epidemiology with research interests in improving access to antiretroviral therapy. He also has a role in managing the data received by ALPHA from its member organisations.

Malebogo Tlhajoane is an epidemiologist and has worked with ALPHA since 2016.

Jim Todd: is a statistician and public health epidemiologist and Professor of Applied Biostatistics at LSHTM. He works with ALPHA on the triangulation of estimates from routine data sources with those from the ALPHA study sites, with a particular focus on ART programme data. He is PI for the INSPIRE-EA Network (Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities in East Africa).

Georges Reniers: Demographer / statistician, LSHTM Associate Professor – specialises in the linkage of data between clinic and community for the ALPHA Network.

Frankie Liew is responsible for the financial management of the ALPHA Network and oversees workshop organisation and administration of the Network.

Tathagata Bhattacharjee is a data scientist who is leading on the implementation of a data integration approach to harmonising ALPHA data.
Affiliated researchers

Clara Calvert is an epidemiologist responsible for methodological improvements to Verbal Autopsy (VA) data and using VA data for analysis of cause-specific mortality.

Sam Clark: Demographer / statistician, University of Washington Associate Professor – specialises in the methodological improvements to the diagnosis of Verbal Autopsy (VA) data and probabilistic record linkage.

Jeff Eaton is an HIV epidemiologist focused on developing new mathematical models, statistical methods, and surveillance tools to understand HIV epidemic trends, transmission dynamics, and the demographic impacts of HIV/AIDS. He co-chairs the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling, and Projections.

Vicky Hosegood is Professor of Demography and Family Health at the University of Southampton and works with ALPHA on the impact of family and houshold structure on HIV-related outcomes.

Chodziwadziwa Kabudula: Population Health Scientist, Senior Researcher, MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt)- data scientist with expertise in clinic record linkage and development of SES indices.

Chifundo Kanjala has led the documentation of the the ALPHA data and pioneers documentation and anonymisation techniques to promote data sharing and reuse.

Estelle McLean is an epidemiologist and data scientist working at LSHTM and MEIRU.

Louisa Moorhouse is an epidemiologist at Imperial College London who works with the Manicaland project.

Dorean Nabukalu is a statistician working for the Rakai Health Sciences Program in Uganda.

Constance Nyamukapa is based at BRTI in Zimbabwe and is Research Operations Director of the Manicaland Centre

Alison Price is an epidemiologist based at the LSHTM and MEIRU. Her work is focused on the epidemiology of emerging, long-term non-communicable diseases in low-income, sub-Saharan Africa with a particular focus on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Malawi.

Katie Risher is an epidemiologist who conducts analyses and modelling of HIV incidence, sexual behaviour, and recency assays.

Marylene Wamukoya is senior data analyst at APHRC and is responsible for, among other things, the NUHDSS data.

Alison Wringe: Public Health Epidemiologist, LSHTM Associate Professor – involved in the guidelines for the context studies (i.e. Bottleneck Sub-study etc), and interpreting the results of the policy reviews and facility surveys.